Рефераты. Drug trafficking - a global challenge of the XXI century

In this light there is real an estimation according to which annually in the world will be legalised the incomes received as a result of drug business, at a rate of 300-800 bln. dollars of the USA (are washed) Brecher, Edward. The Consumer Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. N.Y., 2009..

If it was possible to block the basic channels of washing up of drugs-dollars drug business to no small degree would lose the appeal. Fabulous incomes of a drug turn, estimated in billions dollars, it is impossible to store «in a stocking». However to block channels it is not possible, for there is a set of methods of washing up of drugs-dollars, and too powerful forces make profit of these operations.

The drug trafficking actively stimulates also corruption with which help drugs cartels and other criminal groups involved in process of drugs business, aspire to secure the business and to duck out. The profit part is spent for payoff and reception of the necessary information. Gathering of data on the corrupted officials in law enforcement bodies and authorities, the data about market condition, about the prices for drugs is conducted. For example, one of not the largest Mexican cartels - Tidzhuansky - spends weekly 1 million dollars for bribes to the Mexican judges, public prosecutors, police, army, and customs. The general public prosecutor of Mexico recognised that 90 % of judges and public prosecutors in Tidzhuane "are bought" by cartel.

One of the major universal tendencies in drugs business development also is its industrialisation. Illegal manufacture of narcotics gets character of well adjusted industry. Depending on technological complexity of the organisation of illegal manufactures underground drugs laboratories it is possible conditionally are subdivided on handicraft which, as a rule, possess low productivity and manufacture in which is carried out without difficult chemical reactions, and industrial, different by high efficiency and used for manufacture of synthetic drugs by means of difficult chemical synthesis.

Concerning the countries widely making narcotics, strict economic sanctions are entered. However the quantity of drugs laboratories in territories is reduced very slowly.

Last years of XX centuries the tendency to concentration of manufacture of narcotics, integration of capacities on manufacture of drugs was observed. The numerous facts of detection of laboratories-giants testify to it on cocaine manufacture. So, it agree to the data published by antinarcotics' police of Colombia, in 1996 in the Central Colombia was the underground laboratory-complex protected by a large armed formation is found out and destroyed. It had several runways, has been equipped by modern system of the notification and differed high level of the organisation of production. Annual maximum productivity of this laboratory could make approximately 350 т cocaine.

Mobility of manufacturers of drugs increases. The facts of manufacture of drugs in the mobile laboratories which are settling down in vans and by trucks are elicited. Similar laboratories seldom enough come into the view of law enforcement bodies and, continuously making drugs in a way, to destination deliver already ready product. Capacity of one of such laboratories revealed in territory of Colombia, made 70 kg of cocaine a day.

Manufacture process синтетиков has no rigid binding to raw materials sources, places of their transportation and sale. Thereof turn decentralisation synthetic is observed. Besides, the number of intermediate links in a chain «the manufacturer - the consumer» is considerably reduced that reduces a risk level and costs. Synthetic drugs are much more difficult for finding out at all stages of their illegal circulation including stages of creation, transportation and trade.

Last years there are new kinds of synthetic drugs. In their manufacture last scientific achievements are used. Considerable financial resources are invested in financing of independent researches for the purpose of search of new drugs and more perfect technologies of their manufacturing. Handicraft and unproductive manufactories are superseded by hi-tech compact laboratories and the large industrial drug enterprises which are served by the qualified experts.

The international scale of a drug trafficking and involving of the increasing quantity of the states in a world network of routes of their illegal transportation have actually destroyed division of the countries of the world existing by decades on "consuming" (the developed capitalist countries) and "making", mainly developing countries.

In the nineties the twentieth century drug business has had development even in those countries where earlier the drug trafficking and abusing were not marked earlier by them at all. Experts of the United Nations connect the reasons of development of the transnational criminal organisations including what primary activity is drugs business, with the advent of corresponding possibilities at global level that is caused by long-term tendencies of development in world politics and economy. As a result of increase in interdependence of the states, simplification of the international trips and communications, increases of degree of a transparency of national borders and formation of global financial networks have appeared the world markets of sale both lawful, and illegal production. It is possible to consider development and scope of activity of the organised drugs criminality substantially as reflexion of the possibilities which have appeared as a result of reorganisation of the international relations, and the changes which have occurred in the states. Thus, transnational drugs business can be both the reason, and a consequence of the important changes in the global policy and economy.

It is possible to carry the following to number of principal causes and factors of development of drugs business Grund, Jean-Paul. Drug Use as a Social Ritual. Rotterdam, 2009.:

- Weakness of the governments, inability of the state to carry out an effective control over territory being under their jurisdiction (for example, in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru).

- Carrying out by the state of a policy of connivance in relation to drugs business or politicians of "silent reconciliation» in connection with the income brought by it to a society, or from fear of counter-measures from outside criminals. For example, in Pakistan to the power almost did not interfere with opium manufacture, its transportation, actually indulging drugs businessmen.

- The powerful factor of development of drugs business is political and economic instability. It is connected with use of considerable financial resources from manufacture and sale of drugs for achievement of political ends. Acknowledgement to it are cases when the finance received from contraband of drugs, goes on purchase of the weapon for развязывания and maintenance of international conflicts. Interrelations of the organised crime with terrorist and extremist groupings thus extend.

- Easing and dysfunctions of social institutes, excessively high rates of social and economic and political transformations in connection with transition of the post socialist countries to market system of managing. Absence or imperfection of the legislation or the control of its execution in a combination to a sharp aggravation of social and economic problems is in these conditions the favorable environment for drugs business development. In similar cases the most active people are actively involved in drugs business with the limited financial and economic resources.

- Corruption of the governments which members get huge profit on illegal activity and consequently do not undertake any measures for its reduction or restraint. Distinction between corrupted and entered arrangement to criminals the government consists only in degree of direct participation of its members in drugs business. In a number of the countries, using the corrupted politicians, accomplices in law enforcement bodies, armies, customs, the drug mafia has achieved unlimited influence. In particular, in Bolivia in 80th so-called «drugs cratia» represented, possibly, vivid example of a direct communication of the government with the criminal organisation which was engaged in drug traffic. Experts assert that it was impossible to draw a distinction between the military Bolivian government and suppliers of drugs. At the same time the state sovereignty in which territory there are similar criminal formations, provides with it reliable protection against attempts of other countries to stop illegal activity, to liquidate the central links and branches of criminal structures.

- Increasing demand for the illegal goods. So, occurrence in the early eighties the Colombian organisations on cocaine contraband partly speaks ultrahigh norm of profitableness of drugs business, ease of overcoming of boundary barriers to import in the USA.

- Inequality preservation between industrially developed and developing states, unprofitable position in which the last are put in international trade system, interfere with their normal economic progress and realisation of the possibilities given by lawful commercial activity. The choice of illegal ways of business becomes attractive alternative to poverty. In particular, weakness and instability of the markets of agricultural production (to Bolivias, Peru and a number of other countries) were made культивирование by cooks and opium rather favourable employment for local peasants. Liberalisation of the foreign trade activity.

- The economic crises stimulating search of improvement of a financial position by participation in illegal business. Businessmen use there the saved up knowledge and experience of traditional manufactures. In the conditions of crisis participation in drugs business allows to soften temporarily a problem of employment of a considerable part of the population. In these conditions activity of illegal formations starts to be perceived positively. For example, occurrence of the Colombian cartel as one of the main cocaine centers is caused by reduction of its role as large manufacturer of the textile goods. Drug dealers have provided alternative employment of a labour, having won thereby liking of local population. Similar loyalty has essential value as complicates work of services of counterespionage for criminals and counteracts productivity of operations of law enforcement bodies.

Besides, researchers name the following events which have caused changes in the organisation and activity of the industry of manufacture of drugs, and also manufacture rapid growth last two decades of the XX-th century:

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